I am currently trying to figure out how to solve the above named problem. Specifically I want to check if the string does not contain the word \"stream\" both in ca
indexOf() is the correct approach and the case issue can be easily resolved by forcing the test string to lower or upper case before the test using .toLowerCase()
or .toUpperCase()
const lookupValue = "stream";
const testString1 = "I might contain the word StReAm and it might be capitalized any way.";
const testString2 = "I might contain the word steam and it might be capitalized any way.";
function testString(testData, lookup){
return testData.toLowerCase().indexOf(lookup) === -1;
function prettyPrint(yesNo){
return "The string does" + (yesNo ? " NOT" : "") + " contain \"stream\" in some form."
console.log(prettyPrint(testString(testString1, lookupValue)));
console.log(prettyPrint(testString(testString2, lookupValue)));