here i have a scene and a associated view ,then i hava a position in the scene coordinates.I want to set the center of the viewport with the position.How can i do it? I try
As said Frank Osterfeld, to center your viewport at a given position, you can simply use the function centerOn.
But to translate your viewport, it exists another way that consists to change your scrollbars position :
// Your graphics view
QGraphicsView *view;
// dx, dy corresponds to your translation
int dx, dy;
// Change scrollbars position
view->horizontalScrollBar()->setValue( view->horizontalScrollBar()->value() + dx );
view->verticalScrollBar()->setValue( view->verticalScrollBar()->value() + dy );
If needed, you can also hide the scrollbars :
// Hide the scrollbars
view->setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );
view->setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff );