I stumbled upon a very strange bit of PHP code. Could someone explain why this is happening? *****BONUS POINTS***** if you can tell my why this is useful.
I don't see how ('a'==0) is helpful
$var = '123abc';
if (123 == $var)
echo 'Whoda thunk it?';
It comes down to PHP's implicit conversion rules.
I'm failing at thinking of a practical example, but that's the basic reason why you're seeing that behavior.
In your example, 'a' is converted to 0 (zero), for the comparison. Imagine that for the purpose of the comparison, it's equivalent to '0a'. (That's the numeral zero, not the letter 'o.')
Further expansion:
I thought there was a good example use case for this in the manual, but I failed to find it. What I did come across should help shed some light on this "illogical" situation.
PHP is first and foremost a Web language, not a general-purpose scripting language. Since the Web is not typed and everything is a string, I had to do things slightly differently early on to make PHP do what people expected. Specifically, "123"==123 needs to be true in order to not have to type cast every single numeric user input.
That doesn't exactly answer the question, but it points in the general direction.