When using geolocation API\'s navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition()
how to deal with a negative response?
It says that the second callback function
I don't think it's a bug, but an intentional choice when it comes to making it difficult to make websites that provides undesirable functionalities.. (as the top answer implied; IF you request again- when someone already said no- is rather annoying...)...
The difference between "not now".. and "never".. is that the programmer of the website KNOWS.. that if "not now" was triggered.. there would be an actual prompt to the user IF he sent the request again.. hence he would be able to "force" the user's hand to EITHER accept it.. or simply block data until the user agrees..
Decent and respectful programmers want to use such information to better provide a service (and to not wait for things that won't happen).. but truth is that there are enough spammers out there to overwhelm the end user..
(and there is no need to even TRY to send the request again, if it has been answered with "never".. because.. the user will not be terrorized in the same manner.. and if the site becomes sluggish and unresponsive, the user will just close it)
Ps. OH, and SERIOUS programmers might actually take a rejection as an actual.. rejection.. and store this choice somewhere.. despite the fact that "not now" is actually not intended as an ABSOLUTE rejection, but rather a "I have decided to not take any definite stand as of yet".. so.. someone who say "not now".. if the server knows of this choice and takes it as a "no".. then there might NEVER be another request sent.. despite the person WANTING to be able to reconsider at a later date)