I\'m having trouble understanding the following factorial program
fact1(0,Result) :-
Result is 1.
fact1(N,Result) :-
N > 0,
N1 is N-1,
I would do something like:
fact(0, 1).
fact(N, Result):-
Next is N - 1,
fact(Next, Recursion),
Result is N * Recursion.
And a tail version would be like:
tail_fact(0, 1, 0). /* when trying to calc factorial of zero */
tail_fact(0, Acc, Res):- /* Base case of recursion, when reaches zero return Acc */
Res is Acc.
tail_fact(N, Acc, Res):- /* calculated value so far always goes to Acc */
NewAcc is N * Acc,
NewN is N - 1,
tail_fact(NewN, NewAcc, Res).
So for you to call the:
non-tail recursive method: fact(3, Result).
tail recursive method: tail_fact(3, 1, Result).
This might help ;)