I have a .NET MVC project that I\'m trying to deploy using Jenkins.
I had been letting Jenkins run msbuild, then copying the resulting files out using RoboCopy. I wa
So yeah, I have this problem too with VS2017 & VS2019 and Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
2.0.1 too. Did a lot of troubleshoooting msbuild
and digging deep and trying to do my own workarounds and the changes in build file that just did nothing, but that didn't seem right at all. So I started looking in a different direction.
What I discovered was I couldn't build a .csproj
directly and have either the nuget targets in Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform
get run by msbuild
, or my own custom ones.
However using msbuild
with the .sln
with a target of myproj:Rebuild
made everything work.