I\'ve got an enumeration type defined like so:
type tags =
| ART = 0
| N = 1
| V = 2
| P = 3
| NULL = 4
Here is a complete example that prints information about any discriminated union. It shows how to get cases of the discriminated union and also how to get the fields (in case you needed them). The function prints type declaration of the given discriminated union:
open System
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let printUnionInfo (typ:Type) =
printfn "type %s =" typ.Name
// For all discriminated union cases
for case in FSharpType.GetUnionCases(typ) do
printf " | %s" case.Name
let flds = case.GetFields()
// If there are any fields, print field infos
if flds.Length > 0 then
// Concatenate names of types of the fields
let args = String.concat " * " [ for fld in flds -> fld.PropertyType.Name ]
printf " of %s" args
printfn ""
// Example