I have requirement to migrate old style spring project to Spring boot. Assume below code snippet I have to migrate to Spring boot style.
Here my ask , how to conver
Write your abstract base class in plain Java (without any Spring coupling) :
public abstract class AbstractClass{
private Sample1 sample1;
private Sample2 sample2;
public AbstractClass(Sample1 sample1, Sample1 sample2){
this.sample1 = sample1;
this.sample2 = sample2;
Note that adding a constructor with parameters (both for the abstract class and the concrete class) makes injection easier and dependencies clearer.
Then you have two ways :
1) Annotate the concrete class(es) with @Component
Such as :
public class MyClass extends AbstractClass{
public MyClass (Sample1 sample1, Sample1 sample2){
super(sample1, sample2);
This first way has the advantage to be short : just an annotation to add.
But it makes de facto the subclass as a bean that may potentially be loaded by the Spring context.
2) Alternatively, declare the bean in a Configuration
Such as :
public class MyConfig{
public MyClass myClass(Sample1 sample1, Sample1 sample2){
return new MyClass(sample1, sample1);
This second way is more verbose but has the advantage to not modify the subclass code and also let clients of the class to decide whether the class should be a bean.
Each approach has its advantages and its drawbacks.
So to use according to the concrete requirement.