While I was writing my code in Visual Studio 2015CTP I got error as below in ErrorList window:
Error CS0117 \'Console\' does not co
Another quick hack that I just made would be a browser script. I used Greasemonkey to generally redirect searches from Bing to Google. Because who the hell has ever chosen the former over the latter...
If you have Greasemonkey installed or other places to use a userscript, you can use
// @include http://www.bing.com/search?q=*
var rex = /\?q=(.+)/;
window.location.href = ("http://www.google.com/#safe=off&q="+window.location.href.match(rex)[1]);
to always redirect from Bing to Google.
Not really a VS answer, but a work-around. And in my case, it seems just fine since I prefer Google.