I\'m aware of the function on.exit
in R, which is great. It runs the expression when the calling function exits, either normally or as the result of an error.>
Just wrap the args of all your return function calls with the code that you want done. So your example becomes:
foo = function(thing){do something; return(thing)}
myfunction = function() {
if (...) then return( foo(point 1) )
if (...) then return( foo(point 2) )
if (...) then return( foo(point 3) )
return ( foo(point 4) )
Or just make each then
clause into two statements. Using on.exit
to lever some code into a number of places is going to cause spooky action-at-a-distance problems and make the baby Dijkstra cry (read Dijkstra's "GOTO considered harmful" paper).