struct A
A() { std::cout << \"(A::A)\"; }
struct B
B() { std::cout << \"(B::B)\"; }
struct C
It is an old bug of gcc 4.8.1 ( I suppose you use GCC) or of other compiler. I wrote about this bug several months ago the initializer-list: a bug of GCC 4.8.1
Though it is written in Russian but you can translate it into English using for example google service translate.
As it was said by others elements of the initializer-list are evaluated from left to right and all side effects are applied before evaluation of the next element.
In your second code example you in fact call the constructor with one expression that is an expression of the comma operator. The comma operator in fact behaves the same way as initializer-lists that is it evaluates its operands from left to right and applies side effects before evaluation of the next operand.