How can u create a new folder inside a bucket in google cloud storage using the gsutil command?
I tried using the same command in creating bucket but still got an er
If you're clear about what folders and objects already exist in the bucket, then you can create a new 'folder' with gsutil by copying an object into the folder.
>mkdir test
>touch test/file1
>gsutil cp -r test gs://my-bucket
Copying file://test\file1 [Content-
/ [1 files][ 0.0 B/ 0.0 B]
Operation completed over 1 objects.
>gsutil ls gs://my-bucket
>gsutil ls gs://my-bucket/test
It won't work if the local directory is empty.
More simply:
>touch file2
>gsutil cp file2 gs://my-bucket/new-folder/
Copying file://test\file2 [Content- ...
>gsutil ls gs://my-bucket/new-folder
Be aware of the potential for Surprising Destination Subdirectory Naming. E.g. if the target directory already exists as an object. For an automated process, a more robust approach would be to use rsync.
I don't know if its possible to create an empty folder with gsutil. For that, use the console's Create Folder button.