I am new to Vue. I am trying to develop a chatting application where friend list will be shown on the left menu and the chat box will be shown at the body. I am loading frie
This error was happening to me because I was using Git submodules in my project and I had the following folders:
- this is for the main project. There was vue installed in these node_modules../my_git_submodules/vue_design_system/node_modules
- design system that provides basic components (also uses vue). Vue was also installed here!!So because both:
existed, running npm run serve
(vue-cli-service build
underneath) built two instances of Vue. This was
a really nasty issue because it broke reactivity in certain cases
(ie. you click a button and nothing happens - you just get the
$listeners readonly error)
Quick fix:
removing node_modules in the child folder (vue_design_system) and running npm run serve worked for me.
Long term fix:
you'll probably need to make Webpack ignore nested node_modules folders by adding a rule in vue.config.js