I\'m building up a nodejs app which is running in the docker container...
This is the command I used to run the container...
sudo docker run -it --rm
Are you hosting your third party api inside a docker container on localhost? If yes then you need to make sure that third-party api docker container is sharing same network. See https://docs.docker.com/engine/userguide/networking/. I had same problem trying to access rest endpoint which i assumed will be resolved with local host since it is running on my docker inside container. Here is a sequence of steps which helped me resolved issue:
docker network ls
to see how many bridge drivers you have. In my case i had 2 and containers where using different onesdocker run -d -t --network networkname --name containername
docker network inspect networkname
. You will see details of network with list of containers. Each container will have IPv4Address associated with it. Use value of these address to communicate instead of localhost or