I want to document Python object attributes with Sphinx. I understand I should use
:ivar varname: description
:ivar type varname: description
Here is a monkey patch (based on Sphinx 1.5.1) that disables ivar
cross-references. I'm not sure what the best solution is, so consider the patch an experimental suggestion. To try it out, add the code below to conf.py
from docutils import nodes
from sphinx.util.docfields import TypedField
from sphinx import addnodes
def patched_make_field(self, types, domain, items):
# type: (List, unicode, Tuple) -> nodes.field
def handle_item(fieldarg, content):
par = nodes.paragraph()
par += addnodes.literal_strong('', fieldarg) # Patch: this line added
#par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.rolename, domain, fieldarg,
# addnodes.literal_strong))
if fieldarg in types:
par += nodes.Text(' (')
# NOTE: using .pop() here to prevent a single type node to be
# inserted twice into the doctree, which leads to
# inconsistencies later when references are resolved
fieldtype = types.pop(fieldarg)
if len(fieldtype) == 1 and isinstance(fieldtype[0], nodes.Text):
typename = u''.join(n.astext() for n in fieldtype)
par.extend(self.make_xrefs(self.typerolename, domain, typename,
par += fieldtype
par += nodes.Text(')')
par += nodes.Text(' -- ')
par += content
return par
fieldname = nodes.field_name('', self.label)
if len(items) == 1 and self.can_collapse:
fieldarg, content = items[0]
bodynode = handle_item(fieldarg, content)
bodynode = self.list_type()
for fieldarg, content in items:
bodynode += nodes.list_item('', handle_item(fieldarg, content))
fieldbody = nodes.field_body('', bodynode)
return nodes.field('', fieldname, fieldbody)
TypedField.make_field = patched_make_field
The original TypedField.make_field
method is here: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/blob/master/sphinx/util/docfields.py.