I\'m having an issue with deserializing an XML file with boolean values. The source XML files I\'m deserializing were created from a VB6 app, where all boolean values are c
Here is a much cleaner solution I came up with based on some other questions I found. It is much cleaner because then you don't need to anything in your code except declare the type as SafeBool, like this:
public class MyXMLClass
public SafeBool Bool { get; set; }
public SafeBool? OptionalBool { get; set; }
you can even make them optional and it all just works. This SafeBool struct will handle any case variants of true/false, yes/no or y/n. It will always serialize as true/false, however I have other structs similar to this I use to serialize specifically as y/n or yes/no when the schema requires that (ie: BoolYN, BoolYesNo structs).
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
namespace AMain.CommonScaffold
public struct SafeBool : IXmlSerializable
private bool _value;
/// Allow implicit cast to a real bool
/// Value to cast to bool
public static implicit operator bool(
SafeBool yn)
return yn._value;
/// Allow implicit cast from a real bool
/// Value to cash to y/n
public static implicit operator SafeBool(
bool b)
return new SafeBool { _value = b };
/// This is not used
public XmlSchema GetSchema()
return null;
/// Reads a value from XML
/// XML reader to read
public void ReadXml(
XmlReader reader)
var s = reader.ReadElementContentAsString().ToLowerInvariant();
_value = s == "true" || s == "yes" || s == "y";
/// Writes the value to XML
/// XML writer to write to
public void WriteXml(
XmlWriter writer)
writer.WriteString(_value ? "true" : "false");