An idiom I use for composing a couple of procedures (with memory) is as follows:
p1 :: State (Int, String) ()
p1 = do
(a, b) <- get
... do somethi
's zoom combinator lifts a computation in a State
monad into a computation that runs in a "larger" State
zoom :: Lens' s t -> State t a -> State s a
So, given a "big" state:
data Big = Big {
_big1 :: Medium,
_big2 :: Medium
data Medium = Medium {
_medium1 :: Small,
_medium2 :: Small
data Small = Small { _small :: Int }
makeLenses ''Big
makeLenses ''Medium
makeLenses ''Small
you can "zoom in" on a part of the state:
incr :: State Int ()
incr = id += 1
incrSmall :: State Big ()
incrSmall = zoom (big2.medium1.small) incr
Of course, this'll work on big tuples as well as records, using lens
's built-in tuple field accessors.
's real type signature is more general than the simple one I quoted above. It uses MonadState
constraints to work under a monad transformer stack, rather than in State