I have been in both situations:
In both cases the project s
Don't do what the developers at my company did. Somebody created an [sic] InvalidArguementException that parallels java.lang.IllegalArgumentException, and we now use it in (literally) hundreds of classes. Both indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument. Talk about a waste...
Joshua Bloch covers this in Effective Java Programming Language Guide [my bible of first resort on Best Practices] Chapter 8. Exceptions Item 42: Favor the use of standard exceptions. Here's a bit of what he says,
Reusing preexisting exceptions has several benefits. Chief among these, it makes your API easier to learn and use because it matches established conventions with which programmers are already familiar [my emphasis, not Bloch's]. A close second is that programs using your API are easier to read because they aren't cluttered with unfamiliar exceptions. Finally, fewer exception classes mean a smaller memory footprint and less time spent loading classes.
The most commonly reused exception is IllegalArgumentException. This is generally the exception to throw when the caller passes in an argument whose value is inappropriate. For example, this would be the exception to throw if the caller passed a negative number in a parameter representing the number of times some action were to be repeated.
That said, you should never throw Exception itself. Java has a well-chosen, diverse and well-targeted bunch of built-in exceptions that cover most situations AND describe the exception that occurred well enough so that you can remedy the cause.
Be friendly to the programmers who have to maintain your code in the future.