This is my struct definition:
type Article struct {
Id bson.ObjectId `json:\"id\" bson:\"_id,omitempty\"`
Title string `json:\"t
I had the same issue and was able to figure out that I had my imports mixed up. I have a feeling that Gustavo could not reproduce the problem because you had not included what your imports looked like and he filled them out correctly.
Just to explain briefly how my issue was similar:
This -
err := db.Find(bson.M{"_id": bson.ObjectIdHex(userId)}).One(&user)
was not working for me, it would not get the info from the database and would return this-
{ObjectIdHex("") }
How I fixed it...we found that
In the server.go page, one of the imports was this.
Should have been this.
The real bug is not the use of the It is that the code was mixing and import modules.
So the trick is to use this.
Or this.
But not mix them. The top one is the preferred one, as that is what the latest docs use.
Hope this helps.