In ruby all classes are objects of class Class. Since classes are also objects, does a Ruby VM follow the same Garbage Collection strategy for class objects? What determines
I have no idea what the answer is, but could you not find out by experimentation? Have a look at the pickaxe. I'm sure that this is a very naive test, and someone can do better, but you get the idea:
puts "program start"
include ObjectSpace
class SfbdTest
def initialize(a)
@a = a
define_finalizer(SfbdTest, proc{|id| puts "GC on class"} )
puts "creating instance"
x =
define_finalizer(x, proc{|id| puts "GC on instance"} )
puts "zombie-ing instance"
x = nil
puts "forcing GC"
puts "program end"
sfbd@thing:~$ ruby -w test.rb
program start
creating instance
zombie-ing instance
forcing GC
program end
GC on instance
GC on class
Looks like it needs a thread, but unfortunately I'm supposed to be working, sorry...