I Want convert bit
type to Yes or No
For Example:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, IsMale from members
Here you go:
SELECT FirstName, LastName, CASE WHEN IsMale = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS Male
FROM members
Basically, you use a CASE
statement to allow you to convert the value. If you had three choices, you could still use the case statement and just add another option (obviously you can't have three options with a bit but if the field was an int, etc.) The ELSE
statement is the default statement that runs if you don't get a match. In our case, we just use it for No since we can only have yes or no but in the case of a larger CASE
statement, you would want to use this as your fall-back field. For example, you could say "Item Not Found" if you were converting items.