Sometimes my program freezes. If i click \'Pause program\' it shows me this:
773301C4 89442404 mov [esp+$04],eax
773301C8 8
I am making progress here! I have found a similar issue in a program of mine. The freeze appears when I try to load a large text (over 100000) in a custom list box because of this code:
MyListBox.Items.Text:= xxx;
procedure TMyListBox.LBADDSTRING(var M: TMessage); { This makes the control slow when I work with 100000 lines }
if Assigned(FOnChange)
then FOnChange(Self, lbAdded);
The execution point runs through LBADDSTRING for every line (100000 times). So, it seems frozen.
Odd is also the fact, that if I pause the program, Delphi cannot accurately show the execution point for my program (I checked all 5 threads). So, all this is in the end a Delphi debugger flaw.