I have a python script I wrote which uses tkinter and panda to: choose a CSV file on the desktop, imports in that data, does some stuff, exports the new dataframe created i
You can write a small executable script based upon your OS
Create a .bat
file in which you need there needs to the command to execute your python file.
e.g. c:\python27\python.exe c:\somescript.py %*
For reference look here
Create a .sh
file which can be executed from your shell/terminal or by double clicking its sym link.
Your .sh
file will look like
Then you must make it executable via running the following in terminal
chmod u+x PATH_TO_.SH_FILE
Alternatively you can create a symbolic link to your python file and make it executable. This symlink will be executable by double click. To create a symlink:
If you put just a name in place of PATH_OF_SYMLINK
it will be created in your present directory.