I am creating comments section in my app, when a user enter a comments and submit, comment should imeaditely be displayed in front end, unfortunately now comments are only v
@Kaczkapojebana. When we subscribe to a "get", DON'T mean that a change in the dbs was displayed in the view. (only say that when the asyncronous called is completed, the data is showed). I usually refered to "get" subscription as "subscription of only one use".
You must add manually to this.comments the new data. where? IN subscribe function:
addReview(author, description) {
this.moviesService.addReview(author, description).subscribe(success => {
/***add manually to this.comments***********/
this.flashMessages.show('You are data we succesfully submitted', { cssClass: 'alert-success', timeout: 3000 });
}, error => {
this.flashMessages.show('Something went wrong', { cssClass: 'alert-danger', timeout: 3000 });
NOTE: You can also subscribe again to get all the data or that the addReview response all the data NOTE2: Equally, when you make an update, you must update the "this.comments" array manually