So lets say I have an Entities Model which is the base for a People and Organizations Model.
I\'ve three empty collections, one for Entities, one for People, one for
It sounds like you're trying to create records for 3 different models using a single form and controller action. Here's a simple way to do it that should at least get you started.
First, create Entities, People, and Organization models in app/models.
Then, create an entities controller containing the following action:
public function add() {
$entity = Entities::create();
if($this->request->data && $entity->save($this->request->data)) {
echo 'Success!';
return compact('entity');
Next, create /app/views/entities/add.html.php:
=$this->form->create($entity); ?>
=$this->form->label('name', 'Entity Name');?>
=$this->form->label('person_data[name]', 'Person Name');?>
=$this->form->label('organization_data[title]', 'Organization Title');?>
=$this->form->end(); ?>
Finally, describe your relationships and add a filter in app/models/Entities.php to save the person and organization when the data is saved:
'class' => '\app\models\Organizations',
'key' => 'organization_id',
'People' => array(
'class' => '\app\models\People',
'key' => 'person_id',
public static function __init() {
static::applyFilter('save', function($self, $params, $chain) {
// If data is passed to the save function, set it in the record
if ($params['data']) {
$params['data'] = array();
$record = $params['entity'];
if(isset($record->person_data)) {
$person = People::create($record->person_data);
if($person->save()) {
$record->person_id = $person->id;
if(isset($record->organization_data)) {
$org = Organizations::create($record->organization_data);
if($org->save()) {
$record->organization_id = $org->id;
$params['entity'] = $record;
return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
If I made too many assumptions about what you're trying do to, leave a comment and I'll adjust the code accordingly. Hope this helps!