Hi I have a table in 3NF form
ftype_table = Table(
Column(\'ftypeid\', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(\'typename\', String(50)),
Since declarative_base and zzzeek code does not work with sqlalchemy 0.4, I used the following cache so that new objects also stay unique if they are not present in the db
class FileTypeCache(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
obj = self[key] = Session.query(FileType).filter_by(typename=key).one()
return obj
except InvalidRequestError:
return obj=self[key]= FileType(key)
return obj
override eq of FileType
class FileType(object):
def __init__(self, typename)
def __eq__(self):
if isinstance(other, FileType):
return self.typename == other.typename
return False