Is it possible to do mass update using CMIS in alfresco.
I have Different Documents Types and Every Document type is having multiple documents in alfresco repository
the solution that i suggest to do in purpose of doing a lot of updates is to use CMIS query to select object with the same type (document
...) you can learn more about it with Cmis Query
First Step
String query;
query = "SELECT * FROM cmis:document WHERE IN_FOLDER('" + objectId + "')";
and to get all the children
ItemIterable resultList = session.query(query, false);
Note that for a purpose testing i selected in this query all the document that is inside a particular folder
Second Step
for (QueryResult qr : resultList) {
String idDocument = qr.getPropertyByQueryName("cmis:objectId").getFirstValue().toString();
Document doc = (Document) session.getObject(idDocument);
Now i use my query to get all the document that i want to update the properties.
Hope that helped you.