I have three classes; Stamp, Letter and Parcel that implement an interface IProduct and they also have some of their own functionality.
public interface IP
The reason why you can't access additional members from a derived class is that you are using the interface in the List<> - therefore you'll only be able to access properties on that interface.
A pattern that might help you is the double-dispatch pattern.
Example below:
public interface IHandler
void Handle(Stamp stamp);
void Handle(Letter letter);
public class Handler : IHandler
public void Handle(Stamp stamp)
// do some specific thing here...
public void Handle(Letter letter)
// do some specific thing here...
public interface IProduct
string Name { get; }
int Quantity { get; set; }
float Amount { get; }
void Handle(IHandler handler);
public class Stamp : IProduct
public string Name { get { return "Stamp"; } }
public int Quantity { get; set; }
public float Amount { get; set; }
public float UnitPrice { get; set; }
public void Handle(IHandler handler)
You can now program some specific functionality in the Handler - I'm guessing you want to calculate some kind of total price given things such as quantity * unit price or a weight & destination lookup table...