Is there a way to calculate the average/min/max of all numbers without using an array? Need to calculate up to 10,000 numbers per sec.
Keep a minimum variable that is initialized to a high value, and update it if you see a lower value.
Do the opposite with a maximum variable.
Add up all numbers and divide that sum by the total count to get the average.
The following code does not do bounds checks (e.g. count > 0, total doesn't overflow) but should give you an idea:
int minimum = // Initialize to large #, in C# would be int.MaxValue
int maximum = // Initialize to most negative #, in C# would be int.MinValue
int count = 0;
int total = 0;
void StatsForNewNumber(int number)
if (number < minimum) minimum = number;
if (number > maximum) maximum = number;
total += number;
int Average()
return total / count;