I need to locate 2 tags in a lump of text and keep whatever text is between them.
For example if the \"Begin\" tag was -----start-----
and the \"End\" t
Here are a couple of ways:
$lump = 'rtyfbytgyuibg-----start-----isnv4b987b6vdc5y6ughnjmn9b8v76ctyubinn98b76r-----end-----gcgkhjkn';
$start_tag = '-----start-----';
$end_tag = '-----end-----';
// method 1
if (preg_match('/'.preg_quote($start_tag).'(.*?)'.preg_quote($end_tag).'/s', $lump, $matches)) {
echo $matches[1];
// method 2 (faster)
$startpos = strpos($lump, $start_tag) + strlen($start_tag);
if ($startpos !== false) {
$endpos = strpos($lump, $end_tag, $startpos);
if ($endpos !== false) {
echo substr($lump, $startpos, $endpos - $startpos);
// method 3 (if you need to find multiple occurrences)
if (preg_match_all('/'.preg_quote($start_tag).'(.*?)'.preg_quote($end_tag).'/s', $lump, $matches)) {