Is there a way in JNA to load multiple dependent libraries with Java?
I usually use Native.loadLibrary(...)
to load one DLL. But I guess its not workin
Loading lib transient dependencies with JNA from JAR Resources.
My resources folder res:
`-- linux-x86-64
MyApiLibrary api = (MyApiLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("", MyApiLibrary.class, options);
API Explodes: Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Error loading shared library No such file or directory
Can be solved by loading dependencies beforehand by hand:
import com.sun.jna.Library;
Native.loadLibrary("", Library.class);
MyApiLibrary api = (MyApiLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("", MyApiLibrary.class, options);
Basically you have to build dependency tree in reverse, by hand, by yourself.
I recommend setting
java -Djna.debug_load=true -Djna.debug_load.jna=true
Furthermore, setting jna.library.path to Resource has no effect, because JNA extracts to filesystem, then it loads lib. Lib on filesystem can NOT access other libs within jar.
Context class loader classpath. Deployed native libraries may be installed on the classpath under ${os-prefix}/LIBRARY_FILENAME, where ${os-prefix} is the OS/Arch prefix returned by Platform.getNativeLibraryResourcePrefix(). If bundled in a jar file, the resource will be extracted to jna.tmpdir for loading, and later removed (but only if jna.nounpack is false or not set).
RTFM and happy coding. JNA v.4.1.0