If I have a class with non-primitive public members and I want to populate them from a CSV file with OpenCSV, how can I do this? I notice that OpenCSV has some protected mem
I'm sure you've long since moved on, but I've run into the same situation and there are two ways to handle it. You can either override CsvToBean.convertValue or CsvToBean.getPropertyEditor.
The classier way is probably to override getPropertyEditor and return a custom PropertyEditor for your particular object. The quick and dirty way would be to override convertValue in anonymous class form, like this:
CsvToBean csvToBean = new CsvToBean(){
protected Object convertValue(String value, PropertyDescriptor prop) throws InstantiationException,IllegalAccessException {
if (prop.getName().equals("myWhatever")) {
// return an custom object based on the incoming value
return new MyWhatever((String)value);
return super.convertValue(value, prop);
This is working fine for me with OpenCSV 2.3. Good luck!