I need to access all the cookies from a JavaFX WebView. As far as I can see there\'s a com.sun.webkit that implements its own CookieManager, Cookie, etc, etc. In that implem
There is no direct way in java as far as I know, but you can communicate with the javascript side of a webPage, meaning you could do something like this: (not tested!)
WebView wv; //assumed to be initialized
WebEngine we = wv.getEngine();
String cookie = (String)we.executeScript("return document.cookie"):
Yes this means you got the usual restrictions to coockie acces as you normally have in javascript. But it might be enough in your case.
Apparently its also possible using the java.net library (e.g.
). In this SO post you can find a bit more on how to use it, and here is the CoockieManager documentation.