I have the following as my post-build event in a C# .NET 4.0 project in Visual Studio 2010:
call \"$(SolutionDir)Publish\\Publish.exe\" \"$(TargetDir)\" \"\\
I'm not getting this behaviour at all.
I created a post-build event of
call "$(SolutionDir)test.cmd" "$(SolutionDir)a.txt" "$(SolutionDir)b.txt"
Where test.cmd contains:
if '%1' == '' GOTO END
notepad.exe %1
if '%2' == '' GOTO END
notepad.exe %2
a.txt & b.txt just have "This is File A" & "This is File B"
When I do the build, Notepad fires up with a.txt, and when I close it then Notepad fires up with b.txt.
So the parameters are definitely being sent separately for me.
Can you try this same test to see what behaviour you get?