This isnt really a coding question. I need to put all my files into individual directories so each file has its own directory with the name based on the filename. So before
No need to build an application. This simple one liner run from the Windows command line will move each file in a directory into a sub-directory based on the root name of the file.
for %f in (*) do @(md "%~nf"&move "%f" "%~nf")>nul 2>&1
Two files with the same base name but different extensions will be moved into the same directory. For example, "test.txt" and "text.doc" will both be moved into a directory named "test"
Any file without an extension will not be moved.
If you want to run this from a batch file, then
@echo off
for %%f in (*) do (
md "%%~nf"
move "%%f" "%%~nf"
) >nul 2>&1
You requirements were not very clear. If your requirements differ, then the script can probably be modified fairly easily to suit your needs.