I\'m trying to rewrite history, using:
git filter-branch --tree-filter \'git ls-files -z \"*.php\" |xargs -0 perl -p -i -e \"s#(PASSWORD1|PASSWORD2|PASSWORD3)#
Building on the brilliant help given by konsolebox which really helped me solve this, the solution I ended up using in terms of doing it via the shell was:
Define the strings in a file, strings.txt
yet! @nother string
some more stuff to re\move
Create a Perl script perl-escape-strings.pl
which will be used to escape the strings, where xXxXxXxXxXx is the string they will all be replaced with
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<>)
my $passwd = quotemeta($_);
print qq|s/$passwd/xXxXxXxXxXx/g;\n|;
exit 0;
Bash script:
# Pre-process the strings
./perl-escape-strings.pl strings.txt > strings-perl-escaped.txt
# Change directory to the repo
cd repo/
# Define the filter command
FILTER="git ls-files -z '*.html' '*.php' | xargs -0 perl -p -i ../strings-perl-escaped.txt"
# Run the filter
git filter-branch --tree-filter "$FILTER" -- --all
However, because the number of strings is large, and my repository is large and with many thousand commits, the filter-branch method is taking a long time. So I'm going to try The BFG mentioned in another answer also in parallel, to see if it completes quicker.