I hv rows of data:-
A001 123 12 A X1
A002 789 13 B X3
A003 456 15 C X5
Here's an approach going from worksheet to worksheet directly. This might be necessary if the dataset is too big and available memory too small for using arrays. It's likely to be slow.
It uses the same call parameters as reOrgV1, and pretty much the same logic.
It's updated to add "DEFECTS" to the properies. The input looks like:
A001 123 12 A X1 3
A002 789 13 B X3 5
A003 456 15 C X5 7
Here's the code.
Public Sub reOrgV2(inSource As Range, inTarget As Range)
'' This version works directly on the worksheet
'' and transfers the result directly to the target
'' given as the top-left cell of the result.
'' **** Changed to add "Defects"
Dim resNames()
Dim propNum As Integer
Dim srcRows As Integer
Dim resRows As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim g As Integer
'' Shape the result
resNames = Array("Size", "Grade", "Location", "Defects")
propNum = 1 + UBound(resNames)
'' Row counts
srcRows = inSource.Rows.Count
resRows = srcRows * propNum
'' re-org and transfer source to result range
inTarget = inTarget.Resize(resRows, 4)
g = 1
For i = 1 To srcRows
For j = 0 To 3
inTarget.Item(g + j, 1) = inSource.Item(i, 1) '' Tag
inTarget.Item(g + j, 2) = inSource.Item(i, 2) '' SKU
inTarget.Item(g + j, 3) = resNames(j) '' Property
inTarget.Item(g + j, 4) = inSource.Item(i, j + 3) '' Value
Next j
g = g + propNum
Next i
End Sub
This is the revised call sourcing the wider range.
'' Call ReOrgV2 with input and output ranges
Public Sub test4()
Dim i As Integer
i = Range("InData!A:A").Find("").Row - 2
reOrgV2 Range("InData!A2").Resize(i, 6), [OutData!A1]
End Sub