Streaming data into BigQuery keeps failing due to the following error, which occurs more frequently recently:
We (the BigQuery team) are looking into your report of increased connection errors. From the internal monitoring, there hasn't been global a spike in connection errors in the last several days. However, that doesn't mean that your tables, specifically, weren't affected.
Connection errors can be tricky to chase down, because they can be caused by errors before they get to the BigQuery servers or after they leave. The more information your can provide, the easier it is for us to diagnose the issue.
The best practice for streaming input is to handle temporary errors like this to retry the request. It can be a little tricky, since when you get a connection error you don't actually know whether the insert succeeded. If you include a unique insertId
with your data (see the documentation here), you can safely resend the request (within the deduplication window period, which I think is 15 minutes) without worrying that the same row will get added multiple times.