I am trying to \"Unconcatenate\" a string in Excel 2010. Yes, I know that is not a real word. So pretty much; I have a cell that can not be split into multiple columns the c
(not really an answer, just trying to figure out what the question is)
Sheet 1 has a dropdown box with a number of items in, the selected item is used in a vlookup() looking at a table in sheet 2.
Sheet 2 has 2(+) columns, one which is an index used for a vlookup and the other which contains delimited lists.
Sheet 3 has 1(+) columns, each row has a value that may correspond to an item in one of the delimited lists in sheet 2.
When an item is selected in the dropdown box on sheet 1 I want to lookup the corresponding list in sheet 2 (using the vlookup) and then see if any of the items in that list exist in sheet 3.
Is this what your trying to do? If yes, what is the result of this search?
No? :(
Doing that with just worksheet functions would be fairly tricky!
VBA is a much better choice. (the final step atleast)
Add the following code to a new module (not a worksheet or workbook module) and it will be available as a UDF on your worksheets.
This function takes a string (which is your delimited list) it is exploded inside the function so you dont have to worry about doing it.
I've not tested it, but in theory it should allow you to pass it a list. The function then should check sheet 3 for you and return true/false depending on weather the items are found or not.
I know that you've found an answer, but here is a working and slightly faster version of my function.
Public Function ValidateList(ByVal Target As Range) As Boolean
Dim Sheet As Worksheet: Set Sheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet3") ' Check Sheet3 is the correct sheet
Dim List As Variant: List = Sheet.UsedRange.Columns("A").Value2 ' Set Column(A) to correct column
Dim Items() As String: Items = Split(Target.Value2, ",")
Dim Item As Long
Dim Key As String
Dim Result As Boolean: Result = False
Dim Search As Object: Set Search = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
For Item = LBound(Items) To UBound(Items)
Search.Add Trim(Items(Item)), False
Next Item
If Search.Count > 0 Then
' Target List has 1+ Items
For Item = LBound(List, 1) To UBound(List, 1)
Key = Trim(List(Item, 1))
If Search.Exists(Key) = True Then
Search.Remove Key
End If
If Search.Count = 0 Then
Result = True
Exit For
End If
Next Item
' Target List is Empty
' Optionally set result to True here if empty list should return True
' Defaults to False
End If
ValidateList = Result
End Function