I am trying to randomize numbers in an array. I am able to do that using arc4random() % [indexes count]
My problem is - If an array consists of 20 item
Declare array that contains already generated number in extension or header file
@property (strong, nonatomic)NSMutableArray *existingNums;
@property (assign, nonatomic)NSInteger maxLimit;
@property (assign, nonatomic)NSInteger minLimit;
Then implement given code in implementation file
@synthesize existingNums;
@synthesize maxLimit;
@synthesize minLimit;
- (NSInteger)randomNumber {
existingNums = [NSMutableArray array];
while (YES) {
NSNumber *randonNum = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:minLimit+arc4random()%maxLimit];
if([existingNums containsObject:randonNum]) {
if([existingNums count] == (maxLimit - minLimit))
return -1; // All possible numbers generated in the given range
[existingNums addObject:randonNum];
return [randonNum integerValue];
return -1; // return error
Hope this will help you :)