To give a bit of context of why I\'m asking this: basically I would like to change the location of the myLocationButton
of the google map on iOS. So I first fet
this did it.. i'm not sure if this counts as an actual answer since i just got around the problem by simply calling [self layoutIfNeeded]
instead of [self layoutSubviews]
void _autolayout_replacementLayoutSubviews(id self, SEL _cmd)
// calling super
struct objc_super superTarget;
superTarget.receiver = self;
superTarget.super_class = class_getSuperclass(object_getClass(self));
objc_msgSendSuper(&superTarget, @selector(layoutSubviews));
// to get around calling layoutSubviews and having
// a recursive call
[self layoutIfNeeded];
objc_msgSendSuper(&superTarget, @selector(layoutSubviews));
- (void)replaceGMSUISettingsViewImplementation
class_addMethod(NSClassFromString(@"GMSUISettingsView"), @selector(_autolayout_replacementLayoutSubviews), (IMP)_autolayout_replacementLayoutSubviews, "v@:");
Method existing = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString(@"GMSUISettingsView"), @selector(layoutSubviews));
Method new = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString(@"GMSUISettingsView"), @selector(_autolayout_replacementLayoutSubviews));
method_exchangeImplementations(existing, new);