I have a question. I know that has been asked before. I looked through the related questions but I could not get my SQL script to work.
Here is my query :
create table #Temp (PART_ID bigint, ID bigint, DESCRIPTION nvarchar(max))
insert into #Temp
select 10002, 1182505, 'Tagfahrlichtschaltung' union all
select 80029, 1182505, 'Bluetooth' union all
select 20004, 1212866, 'Kindersitzbefestigung' union all
select 10045, 1212866, 'Lederlenkradrriegelung' union all
select 11908, 1257946, 'Airbag' union all
select 22346, 1257946, 'Automatic'
select ' ; ' + cast(T2.PART_ID as nvarchar(max)) + ' : ' + T2.DESCRIPTION
from #TEmp as T2
where T2.ID = T1.ID
for xml path(''), type
).value('data(.)', 'nvarchar(max)')
, 1, 3, '') as LISTOFPARTS
from #TEMP as T1
group by T1.ID
order by T1.ID