I have my web page in python, i am able to get the ip address of the user, who will be accessing our web page, we want to get the mac address of the user\'s PC, is it possib
from Active code
#!/usr/bin/env python
import ctypes
import socket
import struct
def get_macaddress(host):
""" Returns the MAC address of a network host, requires >= WIN2K. """
# Check for api availability
SendARP = ctypes.windll.Iphlpapi.SendARP
raise NotImplementedError('Usage only on Windows 2000 and above')
# Doesn't work with loopbacks, but let's try and help.
if host == '' or host.lower() == 'localhost':
host = socket.gethostname()
# gethostbyname blocks, so use it wisely.
inetaddr = ctypes.windll.wsock32.inet_addr(host)
if inetaddr in (0, -1):
raise Exception
hostip = socket.gethostbyname(host)
inetaddr = ctypes.windll.wsock32.inet_addr(hostip)
buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(6)
addlen = ctypes.c_ulong(ctypes.sizeof(buffer))
if SendARP(inetaddr, 0, ctypes.byref(buffer), ctypes.byref(addlen)) != 0:
raise WindowsError('Retreival of mac address(%s) - failed' % host)
# Convert binary data into a string.
macaddr = ''
for intval in struct.unpack('BBBBBB', buffer):
if intval > 15:
replacestr = '0x'
replacestr = 'x'
macaddr = ''.join([macaddr, hex(intval).replace(replacestr, '')])
return macaddr.upper()
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Your mac address is %s' % get_macaddress('localhost')