I\'m parsing some JSON which comes to me in this format:
dataId = \"823o7tr23d387g\";
category = \"link\";
details = {
text = \"Some text associated wi
The blog Scott mentioned is a must read for who use MagicalRecord.
In addition, if the default + (id) importFromObject:(id)data
doesn't work on some of your NSDictionary data, you can always override the - (BOOL) importValuesForKeysWithObject:(id)objectData
method in your NSManagedObject subclass to achieve the exact control over mapping.
Here's a snippet from one of my recent project:
// override MagicalRecord's implementation with additional set up for Dialogue relationship
- (BOOL) importValuesForKeysWithObject:(id)objectData {
BOOL result = [super importValuesForKeysWithObject:objectData];
// update lesson-dialogue data
id dialogueDicts = [objectData objectForKey:@"dialogue"];
if ([dialogueDicts isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
for (id dialogueDict in dialogueDicts) {
DialogueSentence *dialogue = [DialogueSentence findFirstByAttribute:@"id" withValue:[[dialogueDict objectForKey:@"id"]];
if (dialogue == nil) {
dialogue = [DialogueSentence createEntity];
[dialogue importValuesForKeysWithObject:dialogueDict];
[self addDialoguesObject:dialogue]; // connect the relationship
return result;
By the way, you may want to create a category of your NSManagedObject subclass and write the overriding code there, because when you upgrade your Core Data model version and re-generate the NSManagedObject subclasses, your own code won't be wiped out.