Good evening!
I have small problem with Service. At first, I have fragment with several TextViews. Into these TextView I want put text from my Service. And this code of
Simply broadcast the result from your service and receive it in your fragment through a Broadcast Receiver
You could, for example, broadcast your exercises in the onPostExecute
like this
protected void onPostExecute(String strJson) {
Log.d(LOG_TAG, strJson + " " + url);
exercises = ParseJSON.ChallengeParseJSON(strJson);
Log.d("Challenges", "challenges: " + exercises.get(0).getName() + " " + exercises.get(1).getName());
Intent intent = new Intent(FILTER); //FILTER is a string to identify this intent
intent.putExtra(MY_KEY, exercises);
However, Your Exercise object needs to be parcelable for this to work smoothly. Or you could just broadcast your raw json string and call your ParseJSON.ChallengeParseJSON(strJson);
in your fragment
Then in your Fragment you create a receiver
private BroadcastReceiver receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
ArrayList exercises = intent.getExtras().get(MY_KEY);
//exercises = ParseJSON.ChallengeParseJSON(intent.getStringExtra(MY_KEY));
and register it in your onResume
protected void onResume() {
getActivity().registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(FILTER));
You also need to unregister it in your onPause using getActivity().unregisterReceiver(receiver);
You can also read more about it here if interested