Store files in C# EXE file

前端 未结 4 1657
后悔当初 2021-01-07 03:25

It is actually useful for me to store some files in EXE to copy to selected location. I\'m generating HTML and JS files and need to copy some CSS, JS and GIFs.


  •  有刺的猬
    2021-01-07 03:31

    Add the files you want to your solution and then set their Build Action property to Embedded Resource. This will embed the file into your exe. (msdn)

    Then you just need to write the code to write the file out to disk when the exe is executed.

    Something like:

    File.Copy("resource.bmp", @"C:\MyFile.bin");

    Replace resource.bmp with your file name.


    If you keep the file in a sub-folder in your solution you need to make the sub-folder part of the path to resource.bmp. Eg:

    File.Copy(@"NewFolder1\resource.bmp", @"C:\MyFile.bin");

    Also, you may need to set the Copy To Output Directory property to Copy Always or Copy If Newer.
