I had made a full screen background image for one of my clients, but the problem is that when I make the image to fit all the screen using the following css codes:
Since the questions doesn't specifically state CSS only (or NOT Javascript), here is a jQuery solution that I've worked out and have been using. I've noticed there might be an issue with mobile browsers.
//resize the background image
function resizeImage($selection){
//get the ratio of the image
var imageRatio = $selection.width() / $selection.height();
//get the screen ratio
var screenRatio = $(window).width() / $(window).height();
//if the image is wider than the screen
if(imageRatio > screenRatio){
$selection.height($(window).height()); //set image height to screen height
$selection.width($(window).height()*imageRatio); //set the correct width based on image ratio
//if the screen is wider than the image
$selection.width($(window).width()); //set the image width to the screen width
$selection.height($(window).width()/imageRatio); //set the correct image height based on the image ratio
Run this whenever you want to resize the image, typically on "onresize" and "onload"