Looking to create a floating menu in Swift for an iOS application I am developing. Something along the lines of the little red circle menu as shown in the following image. <
You can create your own with the animations and all the things, or you can check this library
var actionButton: ActionButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
let twitterImage = UIImage(named: "twitter_icon.png")!
let plusImage = UIImage(named: "googleplus_icon.png")!
let twitter = ActionButtonItem(title: "Twitter", image: twitterImage)
twitter.action = { item in println("Twitter...") }
let google = ActionButtonItem(title: "Google Plus", image: plusImage)
google.action = { item in println("Google Plus...") }
actionButton = ActionButton(attachedToView: self.view, items: [twitter, google])
actionButton.action = { button in button.toggleMenu() }