I have a virtual hard disk .vhd file that I would like to backup on a daily basis by clicking on a shortcut on my Windows Vista laptop. I wrote a half-hazard batch script fi
I would set the volume name of the disc, and examine all connected drives and find the drive with that volume name. Here's how I do it in PowerShell:
# find connected backup drive:
$backupDrive = $null
get-wmiobject win32_logicaldisk | % {
if ($_.VolumeName -eq $VolumeName) {
$backupDrive = $_.DeviceID
if ($backupDrive -eq $null) {
throw "$VolumeName drive not found!"
# mirror
$backupPath = $backupDrive + "\"
& robocopy.exe $SrcDir $backupPath /MIR /Z