I deployed a Service Fabric Cluster running with a single application and 3 Node Types of 5 machines, each with its own placement constraint.
I need to add other 2 N
The Add-AzureRmServiceFabricNodeType command can add a new node type to an existing Service Fabric cluster.
Note that the process can take roughly an hour to complete, since it creates one resource at a time starting with the cluster. It will create a new load balancer, public IP address, storage accounts, and virtual machine scale set.
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Password$123456' -AsPlainText -Force
Add-AzureRmServiceFabricNodeType `
-ResourceGroupName "resource-group" `
-Name "cluster-name" `
-NodeType "nodetype2" `
-Capacity 2 `
-VmUserName "user" `
-VmPassword $password
Things to consider:
You can also add a new node type by creating a new cluster using the Azure portal wizard and updating your DNS records, or by modifying the ARM template, but the PowerShell command is obviously the best option.